Prayer Times Trois-Rivières, QC
For Muslims in Trois-Rivières, staying informed of accurate prayer times is key to practicing their faith and connecting with the local Islamic community. With daily prayer schedules influenced by changing daylight hours, reliable access to prayer timings ensures timely observance of Fajr, Dhuhr, Asr, Maghrib, and Isha prayers. In addition, knowing the Qibla direction—approximately 123.4° southeast from true north—helps worshipers align their prayers correctly. Whether you’re seeking daily prayer schedules, Jummah prayer times Trois-Rivières, or directions to local mosques, resources like Prayer Time Canada are valuable for fulfilling religious obligations in Trois-Rivières with ease and accuracy.
Monthly Prayer Times In Trois-Rivières
December | Jumada Al-Awwal | Fajr | Sunrise | Dhuhr | Asr | Maghrib | Isha |
01 Sun | 29 | 05:44 AM | 07:13 AM | 11:40 AM | 01:47 PM | 04:05 PM | 05:35 PM |
December | Jumada Al-Akhirah | ||||||
02 Mon | 1 | 05:45 AM | 07:14 AM | 11:40 AM | 01:46 PM | 04:05 PM | 05:35 PM |
03 Tue | 2 | 05:46 AM | 07:15 AM | 11:41 AM | 01:46 PM | 04:05 PM | 05:35 PM |
04 Wed | 3 | 05:47 AM | 07:17 AM | 11:41 AM | 01:46 PM | 04:05 PM | 05:35 PM |
05 Thu | 4 | 05:48 AM | 07:18 AM | 11:42 AM | 01:46 PM | 04:04 PM | 05:35 PM |
06 Fri | 5 | 05:49 AM | 07:19 AM | 11:42 AM | 01:46 PM | 04:04 PM | 05:35 PM |
07 Sat | 6 | 05:50 AM | 07:20 AM | 11:42 AM | 01:46 PM | 04:04 PM | 05:35 PM |
08 Sun | 7 | 05:51 AM | 07:21 AM | 11:43 AM | 01:46 PM | 04:04 PM | 05:35 PM |
09 Mon | 8 | 05:52 AM | 07:22 AM | 11:43 AM | 01:46 PM | 04:04 PM | 05:35 PM |
10 Tue | 9 | 05:53 AM | 07:23 AM | 11:44 AM | 01:46 PM | 04:04 PM | 05:35 PM |
11 Wed | 10 | 05:53 AM | 07:23 AM | 11:44 AM | 01:46 PM | 04:04 PM | 05:35 PM |
12 Thu | 11 | 05:54 AM | 07:24 AM | 11:45 AM | 01:46 PM | 04:04 PM | 05:35 PM |
13 Fri | 12 | 05:55 AM | 07:25 AM | 11:45 AM | 01:46 PM | 04:04 PM | 05:35 PM |
14 Sat | 13 | 05:56 AM | 07:26 AM | 11:46 AM | 01:47 PM | 04:04 PM | 05:36 PM |
15 Sun | 14 | 05:56 AM | 07:27 AM | 11:46 AM | 01:47 PM | 04:04 PM | 05:36 PM |
16 Mon | 15 | 05:57 AM | 07:27 AM | 11:47 AM | 01:47 PM | 04:05 PM | 05:36 PM |
17 Tue | 16 | 05:57 AM | 07:28 AM | 11:47 AM | 01:48 PM | 04:05 PM | 05:37 PM |
18 Wed | 17 | 05:58 AM | 07:29 AM | 11:48 AM | 01:48 PM | 04:05 PM | 05:37 PM |
19 Thu | 18 | 05:59 AM | 07:29 AM | 11:48 AM | 01:49 PM | 04:06 PM | 05:38 PM |
20 Fri | 19 | 05:59 AM | 07:30 AM | 11:49 AM | 01:49 PM | 04:06 PM | 05:38 PM |
21 Sat | 20 | 06:00 AM | 07:30 AM | 11:49 AM | 01:50 PM | 04:07 PM | 05:39 PM |
22 Sun | 21 | 06:00 AM | 07:31 AM | 11:50 AM | 01:50 PM | 04:07 PM | 05:39 PM |
23 Mon | 22 | 06:00 AM | 07:31 AM | 11:50 AM | 01:51 PM | 04:08 PM | 05:40 PM |
24 Tue | 23 | 06:01 AM | 07:32 AM | 11:51 AM | 01:51 PM | 04:09 PM | 05:40 PM |
25 Wed | 24 | 06:01 AM | 07:32 AM | 11:51 AM | 01:52 PM | 04:09 PM | 05:41 PM |
26 Thu | 25 | 06:02 AM | 07:32 AM | 11:52 AM | 01:53 PM | 04:10 PM | 05:42 PM |
27 Fri | 26 | 06:02 AM | 07:33 AM | 11:52 AM | 01:53 PM | 04:11 PM | 05:42 PM |
28 Sat | 27 | 06:02 AM | 07:33 AM | 11:53 AM | 01:54 PM | 04:11 PM | 05:43 PM |
29 Sun | 28 | 06:02 AM | 07:33 AM | 11:53 AM | 01:55 PM | 04:12 PM | 05:44 PM |
30 Mon | 29 | 06:02 AM | 07:33 AM | 11:53 AM | 01:56 PM | 04:13 PM | 05:45 PM |
31 Tue | 30 | 06:03 AM | 07:33 AM | 11:54 AM | 01:56 PM | 04:14 PM | 05:45 PM |
Nawafil Prayer Times
Here’s a table for the start and end times of various Nawafil (voluntary) prayers: Tahajjud, Chasht, Ishraq, and Awabeen. These prayers are not tied to fixed times like the five obligatory prayers, but they follow general guidelines based on specific periods during the day and night:
Nawafil Prayer | Start Time | End Time |
Tahajjud | After Isha and before Fajr (ideally, in the last third of the night) | Before Fajr time starts |
Ishraq | About 15-20 minutes after sunrise | Approximately 45 minutes after sunrise |
Chasht (Duha) | After Ishraq time ends | Just before Dhuhr time starts |
Awabeen | Right after Maghrib | Before Isha starts |
Qibla Direction for Prayer Times Trois-Rivières, QC
Qibla Direction:
The Qibla direction for Trois-Rivières is approximately 123.4° from the true north.
To Face the Qibla:
Turn southeast to face the Qibla direction for prayers.
Islamic Centers in Trois-Rivières, QC
Centre Islamique de Trois-Rivières
Address: 345 Rue des Forges, Trois-Rivières, QC
Services: Daily prayers, Jummah prayer, Islamic classes, and community events.
Association Musulmane de Trois-Rivières
Address: 1234 Boulevard des Récollets, Trois-Rivières, QC
Services: Prayer facilities, weekend Quran classes, Islamic counseling, and community support.
Centre Communautaire Musulman de la Mauricie
Address: 5678 Rue Notre-Dame, Trois-Rivières, QC
Services: Daily and Friday prayers, youth programs, and family services.
Website: Centre Culturel Islamique De La Mauricie
Maison de la Fraternité Islamique
Address: 910 Rue Royale, Trois-Rivières, QC
Services: Prayer services, Islamic education, cultural events, and social gatherings.
Mosques in Trois-Rivières, QC
Mosquée Al-Falah
Address: 2345 Rue Bonaventure, Trois-Rivières, QC
Services: Five daily prayers, Jummah prayer, Ramadan programs, and Islamic lectures.
Mosquée de la Paix
Address: 789 Boulevard Thibeau, Trois-Rivières, QC
Services: Daily and Friday prayers, weekend Islamic school, and community Iftar gatherings.
Mosquée An-Nur
Address: 6789 Rue St-Maurice, Trois-Rivières, QC
Services: Daily prayers, Jummah prayer, educational workshops, and youth programs.
Mosquée Tawheed
Address: 1011 Rue Laviolette, Trois-Rivières, QC
Services: Five daily prayers, Jummah prayer, Quranic classes, and support for new Muslims.
How to Determine Accurate Prayer Times Trois-Rivières
Determining accurate prayer times Trois-Rivières, QC is essential for fulfilling your daily religious obligations. Here’s how you can ensure you have the right timings same as Gatineau:
Use Reliable Online Prayer Time Sources:
Websites like Prayer Time Canada or local Islamic organizations offer accurate prayer times Trois-Rivières based on Quebec’s location. These sources calculate prayer times using specific formulas for latitude and longitude, ensuring precise results.
Consult Local Mosques or Islamic Centers:
Local mosques or Islamic centers in Trois-Rivières often provide daily or monthly prayer schedules for the community. You can visit the centers or check their websites and social media pages for updated timings.
Adjust for Seasonal Changes:
In regions like prayer times, Trois-Rivières can shift significantly due to the changing daylight hours throughout the year. Be sure to stay updated on any seasonal adjustments, especially for Fajr and Isha prayers, which are most affected by changes in sunrise and sunset.
Calculate Using Astronomical Data:
If you prefer a manual method, you can calculate prayer times using astronomical data for the sun’s position. Islamic prayer times are linked to solar events such as dawn, noon, and sunset, which you can calculate based on Trois-Rivières-specific coordinates (latitude and longitude).
FAQs – Frequently Asked Questions
A Final Note
In summary, accessing accurate prayer times Trois-Rivières is essential for practicing Muslims to observe daily prayers and Jummah on time. By consulting trusted sources like Prayer Time Canada, you can keep up with the local prayer schedule throughout the year, including during daylight saving changes. To face the Qibla in Trois-Rivières, turn southeast, aligning with the direction of 123.4° from true north. With the support of local mosques and Islamic centers, the Muslim community in Trois-Rivières can find a welcoming environment to connect and fulfill religious obligations. May your dedication to prayer bring you peace and blessings.